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bakmi ayam造句

  • Mie ayam often accompanied with wonton ( ) either crispy fried or in soup, and also " bakso " ( meatball ) . " Bakmi ayam " is a popular Chinese Indonesian dish and ubiquitous in Indonesian cities, it can be served in a restaurant to a humble travelling cart.
  • The seasoned chicken and mushroom mixture is placed on the noodles, and topped with chopped spring onions ( green shallots ) . " Bakmi ayam " is usually served with a separate chicken broth, boiled chinese cabbage, and often wonton ( ) either crispy fried or in soup, and also " bakso " ( meatballs ).
  • It's difficult to see bakmi ayam in a sentence. 用bakmi ayam造句挺难的
如何用bakmi ayam造句,用bakmi ayam造句bakmi ayam in a sentence, 用bakmi ayam造句和bakmi ayam的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。